Supporting companies’ digital strategy with confidence.
With nearly 550 consultants, HeadMind Partners Digital is a leader in digital project management, bringing together business and IT teams around a common goal.
Over the last three decades, technological developments have enabled companies to computerise and/or digitise their existing processes to improve their efficiency. But faced with this sometimes excessive digitisation and the appearance of new technological breakthroughs (AI, Blockchain, Quantum…), companies accumulate failures in their digital projects.
The digital revolution is underway and nothing seems to stop it, quite the contrary. So it is up to companies to adapt and accept that project and programme management is not a source of costs but a source of renewed efficiency. This is also the way to reconcile business and IT.
As a pragmatic and independent consultant, HeadMind Partners Digital guides its clients towards new solutions and technological breakthroughs while taking into account their “legacy” scope. HeadMind Partners Digital is a trusted partner for more than 70 key account clients and SMEs.

Our strenghts

Our advantage lies in the availability of 550 consultants from the best French engineering and business schools. Trained in project management, our consultants guarantee the success of digital projects. Their strength? Managing digital projects by bringing together business and IT, coordinating the entire complex ecosystem – from agencies to outsourcers – without any tunnel effect. Their multi-sectoral and multi-organisational knowledge combined with a pedagogical and relational approach gives them the ability to adapt to all types of environments.
Process and Methods
For 10 years, agile and devops methods have been appearing as the answer to the acceleration of digital transformation… and yet 70% of digital projects fail. With the profound upheavals linked to the emergence of new needs and new technologies, companies must rethink their efficiency in project management.
Our belief? It is important to adapt the method to the client environment and context. Our consultants have mastered the fundamentals of Project Data Management (Safe, Professional Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Master) without forgetting the human aspect: the search for collaboration, giving meaning to the teams, pragmatism, adapting to the maturity of the teams. This is the key to the success of digital projects, whether they are purely agile or hybrid.

At the heart of our clients’ digital projects, our consultants have to handle a great deal of data. As they interact with all the stakeholders in these projects, they are responsible for adopting the right Cyber approach. By training our employees in Cyber standards and guidelines, we ensure that good security practices and data protection are applied in all our clients’ projects.
Our solutions

Marketing Digital
Exponential growth in data value is a competitive advantage for companies, while simultaneously attracting cyber threats in a rapidly changing environment (Cloud, Data Lake).
We help Data, Business, Technology and Security departments protect their strategic and private data with the latest technological innovations: AI-based data discovery, post-quantum cryptography and homomorphic encryption.

Data Quality Management
Helping data-driven companies build a data ecosystem to guarantee data quality and assist them in data analysis and exploration.

Data valorization
With its Data Valorisation offer, HeadMind Partners helps companies wishing to use their data to manage and optimise their business and employ the full range of data solutions on the market to create or expand their data ecosystem.
From BI to AI to Big Data, the technological and organisational developments of the past 10 years have been disruptive, resulting in a complex ecosystem. That’s why companies require help in harnessing and storing ever larger quantities of data.

Employee experience
The Employee Experience offer aims to digitise your business processes to better meet your business challenges, while taking into account the constraints of your legacy.
In redesigning your business processes or the applications that support them, HeadMind Partners supports you throughout the project cycle. We operate in all types of sectors, in areas specific to your industry as well as in related fields such as procurement, corporate finance and commercial processes.

Modern Workplace
Modernize and migrate IT assets to high-performance, automated, agile and resilient solutions.

Data driven Marketing
In a Digital environment, tracking of customer behavior is a key success factor. Every customer interaction says something about the performance or the way companies should improve the journey. At Headmind Partners we use those data to support our customers and improve their decision making.

Move to cloud
After a decade of outsourcing IT assets to public clouds, French businesses wish to reclaim cloud services, in the face of a booming market. The global cloud computing market is expected to hit 332 billion by 2021, according to Gartner. HeadMind Partners supports CIOs/CTOs wishing to speed up and industrialise deployment of hybrid and multi-cloud solutions.

Service Management
To facilitate everyday business activities, the quality and agility of IT services are a big priority for IT departments. With its Service Management offer, HeadMind Partners supports you in: 1. Delivering your services within the expected timeframe and quality standards, with controlled costs. 2. Optimising ITSM processes and implementing ITSM transformation. 3. Organising IT departments by aligning business processes with the best market practices (Agile and ITIL) and by establishing an environment of continuous improvement and knowledge management.

Responsible digital technology
Digital technology is responsible for both greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of natural resources. It is also a powerful lever for companies wanting to reduce their ecological footprint and foster social inclusion.
In view of this, HeadMind Partners works with clients to help them develop a suitable and efficient digital strategy that is more sober and less costly. By choosing us, you are helping to make digital technology more responsible.

Customer journey mapping
Nowadays, customer experience is overtaking price as key brand differentiator, to such extent that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a personalized and seamless experience across their customer journey.
This is not surprising given the digital revolution and the crisis context the world is facing. It came up that consumers have become progressively more familiar communicating with brands and doing cross-channel shopping.